Emma Martin - The Lazy Keto Mum Podcast
Emma Martin, the Lazy Keto Mum, Low Carb Nutritionist hosts.
What you have been told about food, the food pyramid and nutrition is incorrect.
Our "diet" is making us sick, fat and tired and is leading to an epidemic of illness, terrible metabolic health and diabetes.
Emma got pretty passionate about sharing this discovery, and in 2021 wrote a book called The F Word, Confessions of a Cheesecake Lover - that became an Amazon best-seller in 69 categories.
The book is a collection of hints and tips for anyone struggling with processed food, sugar, lack of willpower, guilt cycles, yo-yo dieting, increasing waistline, mood, focus or energy.
This podcast comes from my desire to teach you how to stop the food hunts, kick your cravings, to teach you the mistruths about food that we've been told, to correct the lies we were fed about fat and help you never fall off another diet.
Ever. Yes really.
Have a listen and feel free to share with a friend.I am passionate about spreading the word about helping people lose belly fat, reverse diabetes, balance blood sugar and help people understand why they are struggling.Within a few weeks of getting off sugar, toxic seed oils and processed food, I felt unbelievably good - I was bouncing out of bed.
Not only did it cut my cravings, it changed my relationship with food, myself and my daughter. You can too.
For more information and transcripts : https://www.ketokapers.com.au/blog
Keto & Low Carb Retreat on 3 FEB 2024.
Emma Martin - The Lazy Keto Mum Podcast
Inspiring Change: Motivation to Transform Lives Through Nutrition with Dr Louise Phillips
Dr Louise Phillips is a Low Carb doctor who is passionate about metabolic health and teaching health professionals about how to use low carb and keto in their treatment of patients for metabolic syndrome, and diabetes, providing practical solutions for doctors to prescribe low carbohydrate diets easily, using the Low Carb Doctor's Kit.
"Prescribing pills is hard. Nutrition is easy!" is her catchphrase.
Emma and Dr Louise speak about challenging beliefs, nutrition as medicine and the prevalence of processed foods.
Louise also shares her story about her family history of type 2 diabetes and how she learned about this lifestyle and went on to transform her health.
You can find her at https://lowcarbscripts.com/Low Carb Scripts
Dr Louise also loves painting and creating “art with meaning”
Keto & Low Carb Retreat on 3 FEB 2024.